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interest capital中文是什么意思

用"interest capital"造句"interest capital"怎么读"interest capital" in a sentence


  • 资本利息


  • Thirdly , the thesis puts forward the concrete resolution : we should develop non - public rights and interests capital market and cultivate risk investment fund on the stock financing ; we should strengthen the relation with banks on the liabilities financing ; we should expand the financing methods and change the financing construction , and form the different financing construction according to the different development stages of mini - enterprises on the financing construction
  • Its obvious characteristic is emphasizing cost of capital , especially cost of interest capital . eva is not only an effective operating performance measure guideline , but also a comprehensive enterprise management system , which is a reward motivating mechanism and the base of strategic evaluation , capital operation and so on
    考虑资本成本特别是权益资本的成本是eva的明显特征, eva不仅是一种有效的公司业绩度量指标,还是一个企业全面管理的架构,是经理人和员工薪酬的激励机制,是战略评估,资金运用,兼并或出售定价的基础。
用"interest capital"造句  
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